still remember that day, Friday, August 31, 2012, over a year ago when
KosmetikHalalbertema Blog Contest Winners Announced Halal is My Life
cooperation between Wardah Halal Cosmetics, MUI and Blog Sec. Thank
God my blog post titled Beauty Can Be Obtained In KosmetikHalal Ideal
was selected as one of fifteen interesting posts and are entitled to a
package of halal cosmetics merchandise Wardah. Immeasurably happy especially a few days later the postman knock on my door and see the prize!
cosmetics package that's beautiful! And by chance in one package there are one of my favorite products! Wardah
gel Sunscreen with SPF 30 which is the Protector Skin with Aloe Vera,
Vitamin E, and Pro Vitamin B5 which not only protects but also
moisturizes the skin you know. Why I like this product? Because my brother and I often enjoy a holiday in nature. On
the arrival of the holiday season sometimes our friends from Europe and
we are responsible for getting them to enjoy the beauty of Indonesia,
especially on the island of Sumbawa, from entering the forest, visiting
the island, boating in the ocean, visit the waterfall, into the
traditional village, as well as visiting places historic. And from this adventure I can valuable lessons and experience. But, oOOOOps! Before embarking on the adventure I had to use Wardah first Sunscreen gel. And believe me exhausted adventure was really making relaxmandi with Wardah Olive Soft Scrub
1 year ago