Now , after investigation by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences , found that species of shark is the basking shark that washed up ( Cetorhinus maximus ) or some also called basking sharks . This shark is the second largest fish after the whale shark .
Fahmi , researchers from the Research Center for Oceanography LIPI photo analysis shark that washed up and convinced that the shark is the basking shark .
"If we see , the mouth when closed position slightly downward . This is characteristic of the basking shark , " said Fahmi .
" The tail has a bulge called the keel . This is a hallmark of migrating fish . Whale sharks also have this but its pattern is different , " said Fahmi .
Fahmi with technicians , Priyo Agustono , go to the location of stranded sharks , taking part fin and cut it into pieces .
Pieces fins arranged and preserved with formalin . Subsequently , the specimen was taken to the laboratory for Oceanography LIPI preserved and studied further .
Fahmi said , the findings in Kalatakan basking shark was a great discovery . Basking shark is a fish that lives in subtropical and very rare in the tropics .
" This is the first time basking sharks are found in Indonesia , " when contacted , Tuesday ( 10/09/2013 ) .
Fahmi said , basking sharks terdamparnya previous record was in the region of Brasilia . However , the findings in Indonesia this time is special .
" While in Brazil , the basking shark is found but is approaching the region of 20 degrees South Latitude. This is the first finding in the closest place equator , " said Fahmi .
Discovery of basking sharks in Indonesia could be a clue about the sharks migratory species , which is still a puzzle .
Speculation scientists mentioned that basking sharks migrate from north to south subtropical region through the equatorial .
" These findings may be indicative of the migration , " said Fahmi .
Fahmi not yet know whether these sharks migrate from the northern hemisphere or southern Earth before finally stranded in Bali .
" When we we 're doing DNA analysis . Samples we sent to South Korea . Later analysis of the results we will know the origin of the sharks , " he explained .
Nevertheless , in terms of oceanography , Fahmi suspect that the sharks come from different parts of the northern hemisphere .
The Sharks entered the territory of Indonesia utilize ocean currents called Arlindo , from the Pacific , and finally stranded in Bali .
Oceanographic expert from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture , His Majesty Purba , argues differently . According to him , it is possible for a shark that washed up to move from south to north .
" Arlindo who go to Bali comes from the Pacific to the west and bring a warm mass of water , " said Noble .
"If the south equatorial current of cold air masses carrying Australia and the Indian Ocean . So if these sharks live in temperate regions , is more likely the shark moves from south to north , " he added .
Going forward , still needs to be done in research on the behavior of sharks migrate across the equatorial region .
In addition , research needs to be done about the cold currents in the Strait of Bali subtropical fauna that can be used to migrate to warmer waters .
Basking sharks migrate own purpose remains a mystery . Possibility , sharks migrate to reproduce or give birth . However , it is not yet certain .