Animals in the Zoo Not Welfare

images (1)365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - The role of zoos in conservation and education is questionable as the emergence of numerous cases of mismanagement by the death of the animals in recent years .
The end of August , two African lions and Sumatran tiger dies at Jambi Zoo Jungle Park . Deaths of three individual animals is thought to be caused toxic contaminated meat .
Not long ago , Melani , Sumatran tiger collection Surabaya Zoo , also proposed to be euthanized because of his condition has not improved due to formalin meat consumption for many years .
Unfortunate fate of the animals at the zoo , according to ProFauna Indonesia Director Rosek Nursahid not a new story .
Since the survey was conducted in 2000 , ProFauna found nearly 90 percent of animals at the zoo in Indonesia living under animal welfare standards .
Until the year 2013 , he stated there is no significant change .
" There are five sizes of animals freedom , ie freedom from hunger and thirst , freedom from fear , freedom from pain , injury and disease , and free to express normal behavior and freedom from feeling the stress , " said Rosek , the BBC , Christine Franciska .
" In some cases in Surabaya , Bandung , Jakarta , and no significant changes to improve the welfare of animals . "
Lack of attention to animals recognized by Tonny Sumampow who currently serves as Secretary of the Association of Zoos in Indonesia ( PKBSI ) .
In PKBSI monitoring , as many as 40 percent of the 46 zoos in Indonesia is still below the standard set .
This shows the failure of most of the zoos in Indonesia in the role of conservation and education for the community .
" Every visitor who came , most are not expected to come home with knowledge about the animals and their habitat . But mostly , just be a zoo theme park alone . "
" Come for a picnic , do not pay attention to animals , was not considered in-depth . Role of zoos as centers of education does not work , " said Tony who also manages Taman Safari Indonesia in Cisarua , Bogor .
Still prioritizing quantity
According to Rosek , animal welfare task at the zoo is not achieved due to various things . One is the tendency for the quantity of animals .
Business , he added , assume that the more the number of animals will positively impact the number of visitors who come .
" There should be restrictions on the number of animals and improving the quality , even if the need for specialization . "
Rosek urges the Government to establish a moratorium on the construction of a new zoo because he thinks the current local government glance at the opening of the zoo as a new source of income .
Meanwhile , according to Tonny Sumampouw , funding issues and lack of competent resources also makes the handling of animals less fit .
Ministry of Forestry which has regulatory authority over wildlife traffic collection in Indonesia , according to Tony , has been working with PKBSI , LIPI , and various accrediting agencies to make conservation organizations .
The goal is that managers fully understand the ideal standard zoo .
" We also conduct regular training on conservation and animal care at the zoo that HR has the expertise , " said Tony .
so priority
Accusations of animal neglect zoo pet denied PR Ragunan Zoo , Wahyudi Bambang .
In the case of Ragunan , according Wahyudi , the manager puts the role of conservation and education at the top of the place and function of recreation in the end to ensure animal well maintained .
" Treatment of animals scheduled , cleaned his cage , fed regularly, and guard animals always pay attention to their behavior . If there is a change in behavior , they immediately consult a veterinarian , " she said .
Difficulties experienced by zoo keepers , he argues, lies in the effort to give meaning visitors to not feed the animals .
" We're blocking , giving warning signs . But some still do . Fact that human food can interfere with eating animals . "
Wahyudi also denied zoo troubled with the affairs of the funds .
Ragunan , according Wahyudi , obtaining government subsidies , plus the revenue from ticket sales which is determined target visitors per day .
Zoo ticket price of Asia 's second largest pegged Rp 4,500 for adult visitors .


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