7 Ways to Increase Brain Capability

7 Ways to Increase Brain Capability365LIGA.BLOGSPOT.COM - As people age , brain function , especially the ability to remember is declining . This is because the hippocampus , the brain area responsible for memory continues to lose nerve cells by 5 per cent every ten years .
Moreover, the compound in the brain called acetylcholine production continues to decline . Acetylcholine is an important compound in the process of memory formation .
The good news , over the past few decades , the experts found the adult brain can also memperbaharuhi quality. Therefore , concluded every person is able to restore and even enhance the brain's ability with certain businesses . Here are seven ways in between.
1 . Playing brain games
Games such as sudoku puzzles and crosswords may improve the ability to remember and inhibit cognitive decline . Nevertheless , experts still can not explain why . According to Dr. Marcel Danesi , author of Extreme Brain Workout , play brain games activate excitatory delivery on all areas of the brain , including memory .
2 . Eating the right foods
According to Dr. Gary Small , director of the Memory Clinic at the University of California Los Angles , foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables can prevent brain damage caused by free radicals . He also stressed on berglikemik low carbohydrate such as oatmeal and whole grains , and anything containing omega - 3 fatty acids . In fact , the neuroscientists found that people who consume less omega - 3 fatty acids have an average brain qualities are more "old " in brain scans than they were enough .
3 . Stop multitasking
Basically the human brain is not capable of multitasking in a lot of things he does . In contrast , the brain is only capable of doing an activity and move on to other activities after completion . By doing multitasking , the brain would be overwhelmed and easy to forget what was done before .
Dr. Mark McDaniel , associate professor of psychology at Washington University said , one reason why people often forget to put the key because it is not put attention to where she put it . Therefore, he suggested that always sound when put things in order not to forget it . " For example, when putting the key , saying , ' I put the key in the cupboard ' to yourself , " he said .
4 . Learn new things
A Swedish study found that adults who learn a new language tend to be easier to memorize names . This was also true for new skills such as sewing or skiing , the researchers said .
5 . Enough sleep
Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that sleeping only three to four hours a day can weaken the memory . And study in the journal Nature reported , to prevent a decline in the ability of the brain takes a long quality sleep . They also recommend to sleep eight hours or more each day .
6 . Finesse things to remember
Stands for the names of places or order to facilitate recall . Even to remember any numbers , to make it easier , you can use the separator . For example , for a given number 214522301876 , you can separate 2152-2230-1876 .
7 . Sport
A study from the University of California says exercise can provide tremendous benefits to brain health . Researchers believe exercise can improve the brain compound called norepinfrin which has an important role in memory formation .


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